Last night I started to have a string Import Error in my Django project in the development environment. It was working before and I haven’t changed any code yet.

The Symptoms

I have a utils folder at the root of my django project with the following structure:

`Last night I started to have a string Import Error in my Django project in the development environment. It was working before and I haven’t changed any code yet.

The Symptoms

I have a utils folder at the root of my django project with the following structure:


And the problem appears in my code when I use:

from utils import log as logging

It gives me Import Error in some files but not all the files. Also if I use the shell I can load this module without problem. This whole thing is very strange. I checked the PYTHONPATH and PATH variable, but nothing seems to be wrong. So I created a new modules called libs with the same content and renamed the module name in all the code that complains import error.


I decided to try to look into it again today to see if it can be fixed, but I couldn’t find anyone who has the same problem like me. Accidentally, I found an interesting comment:

+1 just had similar problem to OP and removing *.pyc resolved it so thanks. this seems to work nicelyalias rmpyc="find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -rf {} \;" to ‘clean’ a project

And it worked! So it is because of the *.pyc I got when I was working in other branches. I don’t know when Python will decide to recompile the *.pyc file (or perhaps git removed the .py file, but left the .pyc file, and the code wasn’t cleaned up). But this is definitely something you need can try next time when you have an “Import Error”