3 Years At Minna Technologies
How to maximum your productivty with Kinesis keyboard in MacOS
A better crypto portfolio service
3 tips on working securely and safely with Kubernetes and operations
5 things I learned using docker with bamboo
Set up Askbot project in Codeship
No Django log printout in Gunicorn
Tips for mocking in Python
Setup a remote development environment with Vagrant, Salt and Digitalocean
Strange import error in Django
Some tips with Raspberry Pi development
SimCan Python extension for CrossControl CCSimTech API
Visual Studio 2008 Express Project Settings for Python C Extension
Why you should learn some JavaScript as a test developer
Setup Postgresql, Python2.7 and Django using virtualenv on CentOS 6.3
Template tag “follow_all_url” failed to render unfollow links in django-activity-stream
Better Logging Support in TestComplete
New Project: Bring Umbrella
Why you should never build your own test framework at work
A simple SOAP mockup service in Python
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